
SODELPA settles drama at AGM

April 20, 2024 4:36 pm

The Social Democratic Liberal Party appears to have sorted out the rift that has sparked interest in the last few days.

Its new leader, Aseri Radrodro, says he is content serving as a backbencher in the coalition government.

Radrodro mentioned this to FBC News following the conclusion of the party’s annual general meeting in Suva this afternoon.

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SODELPA’s new leader, Aseri Radrodro

The new SODELPA leader received the endorsement of the party to become leader today and says he is ready to lead.

Over the past few days, the SODELPA board has issued an ultimatum for Gavoka to vacate the Education Minister portfolio and make way for Radrodro to resume the role.

Former SODELPA leader, Viliame Gavoka 

Today, Gavoka says the matter has been sorted out and he will continue as Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, and Education.

Gavoka says Radrodro has been tasked with leading the party to the next national general election.

He says the former Education Minister has years of experience in politics, and he has faith in him, saying SODELPA is in good hands for 2026.