
Singh emphasizes equal development opportunities

October 17, 2024 5:56 am

[Source: Supplied]

The coalition government is here with a vision and is determined to achieve it says Minister for Multi-Ethnic Charan Jeath Singh.

He adds one of those is to provide equal development opportunities for all ethnic communities in Fiji.

Singh made the comments during his first official visit to Ovalau while meeting various different ethnic communities from the Solomon Islands, Ni-Vanuatus, and Indo-Fijians in Levuka.

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Minister Hon. Charan Jeath Singh while briefing the Baba community in Levuka [Source: Supplied]

Singh highlighted the coalition government’s firm commitment to ensuring that communities beyond the Indigenous iTaukei group are not overlooked in development initiatives.

He adds the government has reintroduced the Ministry of Multi-Ethnic Affairs after 16 years with a new vision to reconnect and provide equal development opportunities to everyone in Fiji as they all contribute equally towards the development and growth of the nation.

During his visit to Ovalau, Singh addressed pressing issues faced by those communities and advised them on the strategic direction of the Ministry, aiming to foster inclusivity and collaboration among Fiji’s diverse communities.