[Source: Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management/ Facebook]
The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management has reaffirmed its commitment to leading and coordinating Fiji’s Shelter Cluster during a workshop held yesterday in Suva.
Permanent Secretary Isoa Talemaibua emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts in ensuring effective disaster response for the most vulnerable communities.
The Shelter Cluster plays a crucial role in Fiji’s disaster preparedness and response mechanisms.
[Source: Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management/ Facebook]
It serves as a permanent platform for humanitarian actors and stakeholders in the sector to plan, prepare, and coordinate collective action to address shelter needs after disasters.
The one-day workshop aims to document lessons learned and best practices from Shelter responses post-TC Winston, finalize and adopt the revised Shelter Cluster Terms of Reference, and also capture actions and activities which may inform a Shelter Cluster Work Programme.
[Source: Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management/ Facebook]
The revised and updated terms of reference will provide an improved definition of the shared coordination platform that the Cluster provides the sector, with further clarity of purpose, objectives, functions, and roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders involved.
More than 20 key agencies were part of the Shelter Cluster.