
Serua keen on addressing social issues

August 21, 2024 11:50 am

The Serua Provincial Council is working on consolidating its strategic plan with a particular focus on combating issues such as drugs.

Serua Provincial Council Chair Tevita Boseiwaqa states they are conducting consultations in the province to draw up their strategic plan.

Boseiwaqa says the strategic plan will capture the challenges affecting the province such as teenage pregnancies, crime, drug abuse, domestic violence and many more.

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“and we are going to look at it in our context, the Serua context and see how it can be resolved and we will see how best we can address this employment education ”

Boseiwaqa suggests one of the ways that they can address these concerns is through exposure to skills training, employment opportunities, financial literacy and business or SME training.

He adds that they also want to retain skilled individuals by creating opportunities for them to discourage urban migration.

The Serua Council hopes to implement its Strategic plan within the next year.