
Semi rekindles passion after 20 years

July 28, 2024 3:30 pm

In a return to what he loves doing best after nearly two decades, Mohammed “Semi” Shaiban, a seasoned painter, has rekindled his passion for art.

Known for his distinctive style and unwavering dedication to his craft, Semi’s decision to pick up his brush once more marks a significant milestone in his artistic journey.

Semi says that for nearly 20 years he had to set aside his artistic pursuits, as he grappled with personal challenges that momentarily eclipsed his creative spark.

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However, the 50-year-old states that driven by passion and a newfound resolve, he has emerged from the shadows to reclaim his place in the vibrant world of art.

Acknowledging the changes brought about by modernization in the art world, Semi remains steadfast in his belief in the timeless appeal of traditional painting

“The main thing is I just want to introduce the hand-pending again and hand-pending the paints I use is it stays for about more than 10 years and it is protected from the sun, the heat, the weather, everything and I am looking forward to the business others to support me and give me a chance to show my talent and I’ve got more things in my mind which I can show them.”

As Semi continues to immerse himself in his art, he looks forward to exploring new avenues of expression and pushing the boundaries of his creativity.

His journey is a reminder that true artistic brilliance knows no bounds and that with perseverance, one can always find their way back to their true calling.