
SCGC welcomes $200k for elections

June 29, 2024 12:01 pm

The Sugar Cane Growers Council expresses satisfaction with the $200,000 allocated in the National Budget for their upcoming elections.

Chief Executive Vimal Dutt highlights the importance of this funding in reinstating democratic practices within the council.

Dutt emphasizes the council’s readiness to head into its election, marking a return to a system that was previously in place

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He also acknowledges the government’s efforts in providing these funds, recognizing the financial challenges faced by the government in supporting farmers and their interests.

“The general feel of the budget, specifically most allocations, that is reaching our cane growers. In particular, the fertilizer and weedicide allocations. And we have seen that there are some subsidies that have increased compared to the last financial year and that is very welcoming.”

Dutt stresses it’s now up to them to show that the investment is worthwhile by delivering results.

He states that farmers will need to play their part.

They were also allocated $800,000 for their operations.