
Sadhu Kuppuswami was a visionary advocate

August 3, 2024 7:12 am

Minister for Lands Filimoni Vosarogo has described Sevak Ratnam Sadhu Kuppuswami as a legendary figure who harnessed the power of education to transform lives.

Sadhu Kuppuswami has been hailed as a legend as he established the education foundation for students in Fiji since 1921.

Vosarogo says through his believes, Sadhu Kuppuswami demonstrated a vision for the future that education is not merely a tool for personal advancement, but it’s also a powerful force to change societies.

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“We must continue to invest in our educational institutions, support our educators and teachers, and ensure that every individual has an opportunity to learn and to grow. Today, as we honor Sadhu Kuppuswami and his memory, we must also renew our commitment to the cause that he championed so passionately, paving the way for generations to come and providing them with opportunity.”

Currently, TSI Sangam schools cater to over 9,300 students across Fiji, providing quality education to children of all races.

The TISI Sangam currently operates 21 high schools and five secondary schools, including a nursing school located in Labasa.