
Robust preventative strategies are vital: President

August 2, 2024 4:01 pm

There is a need for robust preventative strategies to combat the underlying causes of chronic kidney disease, says President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere.

Speaking at the 2024 Nephrology Society of Fiji 7th Symposium, Ratu Wiliame highlighted the serious impact of kidney disease, noting that it often progresses to end-stage renal disease, requiring treatments like dialysis and kidney transplants to sustain life.

In Fiji, the incidence rate of end-stage kidney disease stands at 753 per million people, with a staggering 65.4% of these cases linked to diabetes.

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Ratu Wiliame says chronic kidney disease ranks as the fourth leading cause of death in Fiji, highlighting the seriousness of the situation.

“To confront these realities, we must fortify our national health programs and our guidelines to ensure comprehensive and inclusive kidney health coverage. In addressing chronic kidney disease, we must embrace primary prevention, early detection, and comprehensive management.”

Ratu Wiliame says making ideal health choices is vital to tackle NCDs and kidney diseases.

He adds that we continue to struggle due to poor lifestyle choices, rampant diabetes, and hypertension, among other factors.

He adds that screening initiatives, public awareness campaigns, and accessible health care services are vital in combating this growing health crisis.

According to the President, as we tackle chronic kidney disease, proactive approaches such as primary prevention and swift detection are paramount.