
Right to protest comes with responsibility: Vosarogo

August 24, 2023 8:27 am

With the exercise of the right to protest comes greater civic responsibility to maintain the peace and tranquillity of our nation-state.

This has been highlighted by Acting Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration Filimoni Vosarogo, as the Pacific Conference of Churches and Alliances for Future Generation will be conducting a rally tomorrow to condemn Japan’s planned dumping of Fukushima nuclear wastewater.

The Anti-Fukushima Nuclear Wastewater rally will be held tomorrow, starting at 10am from the Flea market in Suva.

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Vosarogo says the coalition government has emphasized the importance of respecting the opinions of the citizens, which includes the right to protest for something that people feel strongly about.

He adds that the organizers of the march know the condition of the permit and implores them to ensure that the protest happens peacefully.

The Acting Minister for Home Affairs says police will monitor the march, and their presence is to ensure that those who wish to take part in the march do so with freedom and with the responsibility that comes with such freedom.

He reminded the participants that there was no room for criminal minds because those who organized the march had shown their intent to march peacefully.

Vosarogo says anyone whose intent might be to cause instability using this peaceful protest can be assured that the long arms of the law will be swift to reach them.