
RFMF will uphold Constitution, leaders urged to hold dialogue

July 1, 2023 12:51 pm

[File Photo]

The Republic of Fiji Military Forces Commander Major-General Ro Jone Kalouniwai has urged the government, members of the opposition and all independent entities to recommit to the Constitutional process and uphold the values and principles laid out.

Speaking during the first Commander Parade for this year, Major-General Kalouniwai highlighted that in recent days there have been growing concerns over the potential breakdown of the rule of law in Fiji.

He states that these have been accompanied by suggestions that the RFMF intervenes under Section 131 (2) of the 2013 Constitution.

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“Any suggestions of taking extra-Constitutional steps to preserve Constitutional structures goes against the very democratic principles we the RFMF have sworn to uphold.”

The Commander stresses that as an institution, they will remain committed to upholding the Constitution ensuring at all times, that their actions are aligned with the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

Any deviation from the Constitution would undermine the very principals we seek to protect. It is for that reasons that all entities within our state must respect and abide by this Constitution to safeguard its integrity enabling a prosperous future for Fiji.”

Kalouniwai says that any non-adherence to the Constitution will lead to civil, political, socio and economic strife.

Therefore, he says that it is crucial that the state of affairs today is run through lawful means in order to foster a culture of democratic accountability.

“For that, we call on our nation’s leaders to constructive dialogue, to rectify the current challenges, and re-affirm their commitment to democracy, the rule of law, and the wellbeing of our citizens. We urge them to trust the Constitutional process that whatever decisions they make if done for the people and by the people.”

The commander has reassured all Fijians that the RFMF is here for every one regardless of their ethnicity, or gender, and will remain steadfast in its commitment to ensure their safety and well-being.

Kalouniwai says they believe that by respecting the processes outlined in the Constitution stability, trust and credibility of our institutions will be maintained.