
Rev. Dr. Turagavou urges leadership reforms

August 24, 2024 12:29 pm

There is a need for heightened discipline and leadership reforms within the Methodist Church.

During his address at the Church ministerial session, Church President Reverend Dr. Semisi Turagavou stressed that ministers who fail to perform or demonstrate proper discipline should be taken to task.

Rev Dr Turagavou says ministers who fail to deliver in their various circuits should not be reassigned to other circuits but should instead undergo additional and refresher courses on leadership and discipline through the Department of Theological College.

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“We cannot organize others unless we organize ourselves. Church discipline must begin from us. Ten, there should be a leadership center for clergy and ladies within the Church. This initiative will definitely solve the issues of leadership within the Church.”

Reverend Dr Turagavou highlighted the importance of revisiting the ministerial formation curriculum, stating that it must be updated to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world.

He officially opened the ministerial session of the annual conference for 2024 with a strong call to action for all clergy to embrace these necessary changes for the betterment of the Church and its mission.

The Ministers session begins on Monday.