
Resource owner calls for government action

September 25, 2024 6:40 am

A resource owner from Bua in Vanua Levu is calling on the government to fulfill its promises regarding development projects in the province.

Tevita Raiova from Votua, Bua has raised concerns by claiming that the ongoing Nabouwalu terminal project appears to overshadow larger, long-awaited development initiatives for the North.

Raiova says that while the terminal was initially seen as a positive step forward, most parts of Bua still lack basic services like electricity.

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He pointed out that the Nabouwalu government station operates on a generator with limited hours and urged the government to prioritize extending the energy grid from Dreketi to other areas in Bua.

This, he says should also include ensuring Nabouwalu operates 24 hours a day.

“In 2018 we were shown a master plan of the Nabowalu township when I was a member of the Bua province development committee. We had promises from past governments, but they seemed to forget once they voted in, and the same is now seen with the coalition government, which is concerning. The 9 districts have been raising funds, but to date only the terminal is under construction.”

Raiova further expressed frustration with the slow pace of development and the treatment of landowners, claiming that many in Bua are losing confidence in the current government.

He says that these issues were similar to those seen under the previous administration.

However, the Coalition Government has made it clear during the Bua Provincial Council meeting that the Nabouwalu terminal project is the first step in a broader development plan for the province.

The terminal which is expected to open in November will feature 120 seats, a police post, 12 washrooms and a restaurant.