
Regulator intervention required for untapped sectors

September 1, 2024 7:43 am

Government involvement in policy can help businesses find new growth areas says Market Development Facility’s Kelera Cavulati.

Cavulati believes the lack of targeted policies is hindering new businesses to invest in Fiji.

She states that untapped areas such as energy is missing out on valuable opportunities.

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“I used hydrographic mapping as an example of a function that doesn’t seem to do it. Perhaps, you know, ministries like the Ministry of Tourism could take that on as a function to just, I guess to encourage cruise tourism by taking on hydrographic mapping as just an example.”

Cavulati adds there is innovation in the energy sector but not enough targeted regulations conducive for growth.

She says there’s potential in the renewable energy space but it is not progressing because of lack products and suitable loan schemes.

The representative states policies are being enabled about carbon trading however things have not progressed further than dialogue.