
Reduced water production at Tamavua Water Treatment Plant

November 13, 2023 7:50 am

[Source: WAF/ Facebook]

The Savura Raw Water intake is currently blocked, as a result, raw water inflow into the Tamavua Water Treatment Plant has been reduced affecting water supply production.

The Water Authority says the intake blockage occurred around midnight last night and up until this morning, their divers are yet to get the opportunity to safely access the blocked intake due to flooding and strong currents.

It says residents in certain areas may have woken to low pressure to no water supply.

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WAF says their divers are on standby and will dive to clear the blockage and restore inflow into Tamavua as soon as flood levels recede and strong currents wane.

The areas affected include all feeding from Tamavua Reservoir, Namadi Heights, Princess Rd, Upper Samabula, Bureta Street, Rewa St, Ratu Sukuna, Nailuva, Delainavesi, High elevated Lami areas, Panaromic, Waiqanake, Togalevu, Wrong Turn, Sakoca, Upper Khalsa, Tacirua Heights, Nagatugatu, Tamavua Koro, Upper Ragg, Deovji Street, Tacirua Bus, Amputch Street, as well as customers along Princes Road, Seventh Day Church Dokanaisuva to Tacirua Fijian School, Vunuleba Settlement, Naisogo, Colo-i-Suva Crest Chicken, Princes Road, Marshall Road, Taqairua, Vunikawai, Uluibeka, Colanaivau, Valesasa and Naitaqiri Nillgrey.