
Re-install railways says Singh

August 8, 2024 7:00 am

[Source: Fiji Sugar Corporations Limited / Facebook]

The Ministry of Sugar highlights the importance of restoring the railway system to reduce transportation costs and encourage sugarcane farming in areas like Sigatoka in the Western Division.

Minister Charan Jeath Singh revealed that he and Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka have personally inspected the damaged bridge in Sigatoka, which is crucial for the restoration of the railway line.

In response to the current challenges, Singh announced that the government has initiated talks with an Indian company, rails, which specializes in railway systems

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“We have started talking to a company in India called rails, and they will be coming shortly to Fiji to look at all the rail systems that are not currently in operation, so they can assist us in reinstalling railways.”

The railway system was phased out by the previous government where they introduced trucks as a substitute for the railway system.

Singh explained that under the then Chief Executive Abdul Khan’s leadership, the FSC introduced about 100 trucks to replace the railway system, which was only operational in various parts of Fiji.

Ministry for Sugar, Charan Jeath Singh 

There are ongoing efforts to reorganize the sugar industry, including the involvement of two experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) who are currently in Fiji to provide guidance and support to help the sugar industry.