
Rayalu sounds alarm on drug epidemic among i-Taukei youths

July 1, 2024 6:46 am

Minister for Agriculture Vatimi Rayalu [File Photo]

Minister for Agriculture Vatimi Rayalu, addressing the Lau Youth iYauBula Day, highlighted a pressing and critical issue—the profound impact of drugs on i-Taukei youths.

Rayalu issued a stark warning, emphasizing that the drug epidemic poses a severe threat to the very fabric of the i-Taukei community and must be confronted with utmost urgency to prevent catastrophic consequences.

Citing increasing cases of drug-related deaths among i-Taukei youths, Rayalu stressed that this is a wake-up call for everyone, particularly parents.

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He expressed deep sorrow over seeing young people being arrested for transporting drugs, consuming them, and ending up in mental facilities due to drug usage.

Rayalu urged parents to take their responsibilities seriously, ensuring quality family time and being vigilant about their children’s activities.

He called on the community to work together to protect and guide the youth towards a brighter future.