
Ratu Wiliame commends trade efforts with North America

June 20, 2024 10:41 am

[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere commends the country for efforts to boost its trade relations with North America, including Canada.

The president relayed the message to the team at Fiji’s Trade Commission in North America during a briefing.

The visit was also an opportunity for the President to hear first-hand information on the Commission’s work and key deliverables.

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[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

During the briefing, Fiji’s Trade Commissioner to North America, Alika Cooper, discussed Fiji’s Kava market in the US, services provided by the Commission to the Fijian diaspora, and how they were building relationships across the US in order to create new investments for Fiji.

Ratu Wiliame commended the team for their work and urged them to continue to do their best for Fiji.