
Radio Broadcasts in Vuda: A Glimpse into the Past

July 1, 2024 4:10 pm

The old radio station of Vuda District

In 1954, radio broadcasts were a weekly tradition in the Vuda District, bringing communities together.

At that time, owning a radio required a license, making these broadcasts a special event for those who had access.

The local radio station for Vuda was situated near Vunisei House, the residence of the Momo Levu na Tui Vuda.

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[Residence of the Momo Levu Tui Vuda Ratu Eparama Kitione Tavaiqia]

This location became a hub for villagers every Friday as they gathered to listen to the broadcasts.

73-year-old villager Asinate Ratu from Viseisei, recalls these gatherings.

[Viseisei, Vuda]

“At just four years old, I was fascinated by the voices coming from the big black box and often wondered about the person inside the radio.”

She describes the village as being full of people who came to listen to the weekly broadcasts, which included weather forecasts, music, community information, and government announcements.

The late Ratu Jeremaia Natokovakatatiki Uluivuda, the Momo Levu na Tui Vuda at the time, was a regular listener, joining the villagers every Friday for the broadcast.

These moments have left a lasting impression on Ratu Jeremaia, who reflects on how radio technology has transformed over the past 70 years.

Ratu Jeremaia was part of the Fijian Broadcasting Corporation’s 70th Birthday celebration launch at Viseisei Village in Vuda, a fitting tribute to the rich history of radio broadcasting in the district.