
Rabuka says sorry to the diaspora

November 10, 2023 12:47 pm

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has denied claims that he has been summoned by the Cook Islands Police for questioning in an alleged fraudulent matter.

Speaking to the Fijian community in Rarotonga, Rabuka clarified claims about the Fijian diaspora paying NZ$100 for catering in anticipation of meeting him.

Rabuka rejects claims being made by the media in the Cook Islands, which includes Rabuka leaving the island before the end of the Pacific Islands Forum leaders meeting.

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He says is not going anywhere and has not been approached by anyone.

In his address, the Prime Minister says a lot of talk is going and has apologized to those who were levied.

“There’s a lot of talk going on in Fiji that I levied you a lot of money to be able to come here and I apologize if we’ve had to do that. I’m receiving a lot of negative comments.”

Nonetheless, Rabuka says he is receiving criticism for what happened, but it is something he expected as someone who is in a position like the one he holds.

The Pacific Islands Leaders meeting will conclude tomorrow.