
Rabuka calls for confidence in iTaukei businesses

July 3, 2024 10:24 am

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has urged the Indigenous Business Council to dispel the misconception that iTaukei businesses are destined for failure.

Speaking at Kadavu’s annual Provincial Council meeting, Rabuka says the Fiji Development Bank has restructured its operations to align with the plans of the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs.

He says as of now, all iTaukei businesses are expected to rise and thrive, with the assistance of the FDB’s interest-free loans for the first three years.

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Rabuka welcomed the formation of provincial businesses, including the initiative for provinces to purchase and secure properties in Suva.

The Prime Minister also urged the people of Kadavu to actively engage with government’s economic empowerment initiatives and to participate in programs including the ‘Rural and Outer Development Program’ or ROI.

Rabuka adds the government is also addressing communication difficulties faced in many areas around the country.

Major communication companies have visited Fiji to explore ways to contribute to the communication spectrum.

He says some areas in Kadavu are without cellular networks, and the government is working to resolve these issues also faced by other maritime and hard to reach provinces in the interior of the two main islands.