
Private sector partnership is key

February 16, 2024 12:17 pm

The Telecommunication Authority says they do not want to isolate pockets of communities when they pursue the idea of general connectivity.

TAF Chair David Eyre made the comment during the launch of the Multi stakeholder Roundtable discussions yesterday in Suva.

The discussions focused on investing in Digital Connectivity and Bridging the Digital divide in Fiji.

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Eyre states that access to broadband is needed but access to the right kind of content is essential.

“Everybody’s got a broadband but who has access to content that matters that makes meaningful changes to their people’s lives is important. part of this process of bridging the divide is the meaningful component we are trying to understand that what are the killer apps that would drive people to get connected and more importantly enhance their lives.”

Eyre highlights that partnering with various stakeholders can enable to them to access the five percent of the unconnected population.

“I guess that other side of this is the ability to partner with the private sector and ensure that everybody has commercial viability in pursing this when we talk about access to the five percent these are the most unprofitable communities.”

The TAF chair highlighted that partnerships with key stakeholders can help them to subsidize the cost for private sector in reaching the far-flung areas.