
PRF voices concerns to Time Magazine over article

July 30, 2024 2:44 pm

[Source: Supplied]

The Pacific Recycling Foundation recently held constructive discussions with Time Magazine to express deep concerns regarding its article titled “Inside Fiji’s Fiery Battle against Plastics.”

PRF Founder Amitesh Deo says the meeting was held following concerns raised by several partners based on their core principles of “Do No Harm to People and the Environment.”

Deo highlighted the concerns about the portrayal of Fiji’s marginalised community, particularly the Collection Pillars of Recycling from the informal recyclable collection sector.

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He stressed on the importance of conducting interviews with the utmost care when dealing with vulnerable groups.

Deo told Time Magazine’s contributor, Aryn Baker, that the article’s content, maybe unintentional, of singling out the CPR community as the cause of burning plastic waste.

He adds media partners need to be careful as while attempting to give a sensational spin to a story or to attempt to capture photos with the intention of scooping awards, they do not cause harm or contribute to further stigmatisation of vulnerable groups.

Following the article’s publication, Deo says PRF took immediate action to support the affected CPR, whereby they were offered counselling.

Deo says this incident involves an elderly woman who has dedicated over 24 years of her life to collecting recyclables.

He adds her fellow CPR members throughout Fiji, who are frequently stigmatised and blamed for issues such as dumpsite fires, also suffer from such portrayals.

During the meeting, Baker acknowledged that while the article aimed to raise awareness about plastic waste burning, it could have portrayed vulnerable communities better and not put them at further risk of stigma.