
Police target drug networks

September 23, 2024 5:40 am

The Fiji Police Force is making significant strides in the fight against drug-related crimes, with recent arrests of several prominent drug dealers operating within the country.

These individuals are believed to be involved in the transportation, distribution, and sale of illicit drugs which poses a threat to public safety and security.

Police Chief of Operations ACP Livai Driu says the arrests are part of a larger, coordinated effort to crack down on the illicit drug trade that has been affecting communities.

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He adds the Fiji Police remains committed to dismantling drug networks.

“We’ve arrested a few well-known drug dealers and drug lords in Fiji, and as I’ve said, we won’t stop here. We will continue the fight against drugs to control the movement, shipment, and transportation of drugs within the country.”

ACP Driu has raised concerns over the continued infiltration of “green drugs” into various sectors of society.

“We’ve seen an increasing number of ‘green’ drugs being seized during arrests on the streets, from individuals and dwelling houses. So, we will continue the fight, as one of our pillars is reducing the drug supply in Fiji.”

ACP Aporosa Lutunauga stresses the importance of a collective, society-wide effort in addressing the issue.

“However, we need to work hard on this, and the police are currently conducting operations targeting this drug issue in various forms and at various levels of society.”

The Fiji Police Force continues to strengthen its operations to fight against the growing drug problem.