
Police seek amendment to charges over Labasa incident

June 1, 2023 3:32 pm

The police prosecution is seeking an amendment to the charges against three people who allegedly assaulted a woman in Labasa, who died after being admitted for a month.

The three including the victim’s husband Sairusi Maqosa, brother- in-law Akuila Matawaqa and his wife Emaly Yalati were initially produced in the Labasa Magistrates Court last month charged with act with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

However, police have sent the file to the Director of Public Prosecution to seek a motion to be filed to amend the charges to murder.

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The 39-year-old woman was allegedly assaulted by three members of her family in April, and she passed away at the Labasa Hospital late last month.

According to the police, the victim was allegedly assaulted by her brother-in-law and his wife when she tried to stop them from fighting in their home in Malau.

It is alleged that the victim’s husband pulled her from the two and threw her in a nearby drain, where he continued to assault her.

She was rushed to Labasa Hospital and admitted in critical condition.

The matter was reported to police on April 26th by the victim’s brother.

The three are currently on bail.

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