
PM praises civil servants

July 5, 2024 12:53 pm

The Civil Service is not for the faint-hearted.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka made this comment while addressing hundreds of civil servants who gathered at Albert Park this morning for the Civil Service Day commemoration.

While applauding the over 42,000 civil servants across the country, Rabuka acknowledged their efforts as the engine room of government and development.

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Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka

Rabuka expressed pride in being Prime Minister and the Minister responsible for Civil Service as he reiterated the important work carried out by those serving under the government.

“Whether it’s patrolling and keeping people safe, drafting policies to guide the delivery of services and programs for the people, or supporting the government’s initiatives, your work keeps the government going and the people safe and secure.”

The Prime Minister also recognized that civil servants often go beyond expectations to provide the services expected of them.

“I acknowledge your innovation, your resourcefulness, your sacrifice, and you do sacrifice a lot to ensure a better life for the people of this land. In considering the aftermath of recent cyclones and the once-in-a-lifetime COVID-19 pandemic, we acknowledge that many civil servants risked their lives for their fellow citizens.”

Rabuka stated that efforts to reform the civil service, streamline processes, and improve services for the people are ongoing endeavours.

He emphasized the need to review the system and consider changes to improve service delivery and reward productivity.