
Plans are great but action’s better: MacNamara

August 5, 2024 6:06 am

[File Photo]

Australian Deputy High Commissioner Clair MacNamara emphasizes the importance of more actions than planning.

The Deputy High Commissioner is referring to the proposed Women’s Economic Empowerment National Action Plan, which the Government of Australia is also supporting.

MacNamara is urging women to continue to work together to take meaningful action that’s informed by data that will make a difference in the lives of women and girls.

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“Whether that’s action about equality now, whether it’s hope for girls of the future. I encourage you to keep advocating for yourselves, working together, joining with our male champions, and making a very real difference.”

She states that benchmarking exercises are critical in having an objective look at what’s happening.

Macnamara believes that the more objective women are, the more focused they are on the interventions that will make a difference, and the more success women will have.

She believes that Fiji will be a safer and more prosperous country when more women’s voices are heard.