
Pacific Polytech graduates tackle youth unemployment

June 4, 2024 3:59 pm

More than 200 students graduated from Pacific Polytech today

More than 200 students graduated from Pacific Polytech today, marking a significant milestone in addressing youth unemployment and meeting labour market demands.

Assistant Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, Sakiasi Tubuna, who officiated the graduation ceremony, emphasized the government’s strong support for this initiative.

He states that this effort aims to train and integrate these graduates into the workforce, fostering sustainable employment and contributing to community development.

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The Assistant Minister adds we need more labour, which is where Pacific Polytech comes in.

“As I have said in my speech, they are offering a very important platform for people who are looking for work out there in the communities and also in the marketplace, in the labor market.”

Tubuna says Pacific Polytech provides a solution for youths who previously needed programs catering to them.

“And the students have been neglected for some time. There was no program to cater for them. If you fail in Form 1, Form 2, Form 3, Form 4, they are roaming around and they easily fall into other social issues that we are facing now. Crime, drugs, etc. But this is a way that the government thinks that will address some of the social issues that we are facing. Getting these youths and train them and send them out into the private sector, into the labor market.”

45-year-old Front Desk Graduate Kilaki Yavalatawake urges everyone, especially the older generation, to pursue further education and learn trades to enhance their livelihoods.

“I challenge you all to enhance your knowledge through education. A lot of us underestimate ourselves that we cannot further our studies, especially the older generation. Give it another try, tap on your potential, and learn a trade that can help you improve your livelihood.”

The government aims to tackle significant social challenges and foster sustainable employment opportunities by training and integrating these young individuals into the private sector.