
Over 3000 drug-related cases recorded in schools

July 26, 2024 12:26 pm

The Education Ministry has referred over 3000 cases involving students to the National Substance Abuse Advisory Council in drug-related issues in the past 12 months.

Minister Aseri Radrodro revealed this while responding to questions on drugs being found on school premises.

Radrodro says they are currently working with other ministries and departments to introduce drug testing kits in schools.

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Education Minister Aseri Radrodro 

He adds this will help mitigate drug issues in schools.

“As you know, drugs have been a big topic amongst students in the school system and those that are not in the school system, but I like to reemphasize that we have an existing platform regarding students found with drugs in school. The head of schools needs to follow this policy.”

Radrodro adds that everyone has a responsibility to monitor and do regular checks on students who behave suspiciously.

He also reminded the heads of schools to uphold the policy regarding drugs in the school system, which is currently a national issue.