
NTC Chair calls on government to address drug crisis

July 19, 2024 10:14 am

[File Photo]

Nasinu Town Council Executive Chair, Felix Magnus has issued a call to action for the government to take decisive measures to address the growing drug crisis at a national level.

Magnus stresses a unified approach is crucial, as fragmented efforts will not suffice in combating this pervasive issue.

Magnus adds they the government needs to be seen at the forefront of this, alongside religious bodies who champion social justice.

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He states that this crisis demands a coordinated effort from every sector of society.

The Council Chair is calling on heads of households, village elders, community leaders, provincial leaders, religious bodies, and advocacy groups to seek solutions collectively.

Magnus highlights that we can talk and debate as much as we want, but if there is a lack of will and drive to take action, then we run the risk of losing our youths to drugs.

He says the future of our nation is at stake and we must act now to protect the youth and ensure a safer, healthier society for all.

Magnus’s call to action is a rallying cry for a national strategy that includes stricter laws, community engagement, and collaborative efforts between the government, religious institutions, and social justice advocates.

He adds the government needs to enact stricter drug laws, increase funding for rehabilitation centers, and develop comprehensive national strategies involving all sectors.