
No diversification in FSC for decades: Singh

March 28, 2023 4:25 pm

Minister for Sugar Charan Jeath Singh says there has been no diversification in the Fiji Sugar Corporation for decades when compared to other sugar producing countries.

Singh made the comment in response to a question by Opposition Member of Parliament Parveen Bala on the sugar cane price for farmers next season.

“No proper attention was given to the growers on how to support them in reducing the production cost. This would have significantly reduced the cost, increased overall income and keep farmers interested in the sugar cane. For decades FSC has been producing only one product and that is sugar. There has been no diversification as other sugar producing countries. The actual cream of the cake is being enjoyed by the overseas buyers who take our sugar, refine it and sell at the premium price, making huge profit through our hard work. “

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Charan Jeath Singh [Source: Parliament of the Republic of Fiji]

According to the sugar minister, farmers have not received enough support.

He says he has met with the stakeholders and farmers and are trying to address the challenges in the industry.