
NFA conducts awareness campaigns in communities

August 20, 2024 6:16 am

The National Fire Authority is currently conducting awareness campaigns with communities based on the recent cases of structural fires occurring in residential areas.

Minister for Local Government and Housing, Maciu Nalumisa, says that with the current dry spells, bushfires and structural fires pose a significant challenge for the Ministry and the public.

Nalumisa says caution should be exercised.

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He adds that it is unfortunate that many properties are not insured, which can be a major challenge as years of investments can be lost in a single fire.

“So there’s some things that we’re trying to make the people educate the public. The importance of having safe structures and also factoring in some fire protective measures. So if things happen later, at least they are prepared to face such a disaster.”

Nalumisa adds that NFA has been conducting fire warden training in communities throughout Fiji.