
NFA CEO emphasizes on professional development

August 22, 2024 5:50 am

[Source: National Fire Authority / Facebook]

National Fire Authority Chief Executive Puamau Sowane, has ended his biannual inspections of 19 fire stations around the country.

Sowane focused on several critical areas during his inspections.

These included the cleanliness of the stations, compliance with Occupational Health & Safety standards, and adherence to the NFA’s 5S principles, which emphasize order and efficiency in the workplace.

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During his visit, Sowane stressed on the importance of strict adherence to disciplinary standards and the completion of Required Fitness Level tests.

He also spoke about the importance of ongoing education and professional development within the NFA, particularly encouraging officers to pursue certification as fire engineers with the UK-based Institute of Fire Engineers.

Sowane says currently there are no certified local fire engineers, a gap that he is keen to address.

He urged the officers to pursue tertiary education, noting that the Authority supports such efforts by granting full-time study leave with pay.

Officers were also briefed on recent changes to the NFA’s Human Resources Policy and the implications for their roles and responsibilities.

Sowane reiterates the NFA’s strategic goal of reducing structural fires by 5 percent each year, a target that remains central to the Authority’s mission.