
New drug laws vital to Fiji’s security: Vakalalabure

September 10, 2024 12:20 pm

Assistant Minister for Home Affairs Ratu Rakuita Vakalalabure this morning stressed the urgency of addressing Fiji’s drug problem.

Speaking at the National Workshop for Counter Narcotics Bill, Vakalalabure says this growing national crisis is starting to tear through the very fabric of society.

He says the government is ramping up efforts to tackle the escalating threat of illicit drug trafficking with the establishment of a new Counter-Narcotics Bureau and the introduction of robust legislation to combat drug-related crime.

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Vakalalabure says the Bureau will work closely with key law enforcement agencies to dismantle narcotics networks and implement targeted enforcement operations.

“There is a need to implement strong and effective legislation that will help guide our legal system and assist our enforcement officers in the fight against drugs and effectively prosecuting drug offenders.”

Vakalalabure also highlighted the broader impacts of the drug trade, noting how it has infiltrated communities and families, leading to a rise in drug-related crime and violence, as well as addiction.

“Our nation, strategically positioned in the Pacific, has been targeted by drug trafficking organizations that seek to exploit our vulnerabilities for their own gain. The impact is not just felt in increased crime, but in the lives shattered by addiction and the families torn apart by this destructive trade.”

Vakalalabure says to strengthen its response, the Ministry of Home Affairs is working in collaboration with various stakeholders, including civil society organizations, faith-based groups, and international experts.

He says the establishment of the Counter-Narcotics Bureau is a cornerstone of the national strategy and aspiration to have a drug-free Fiji.

Vakalalabure reiterates that the government is determined to protect the nation and its people from the devastating effects of the drug trade.