
NCDs rise on Moala Island amid diet issues

August 4, 2024 7:45 am

Non-communicable diseases have emerged as the most prevalent health issue on Moala Island in the Lau Group due to a lack of access to a balanced diet.

Moala Medical Officer Dr. Fifita Niulevu disclosed to FBC News that while there are some undiagnosed cases of tuberculosis, the surge in NCD cases is a significant concern.

The Moala Medical team has gathered that late detection of NCD is an issue, and as a result has actively engaged in community outreach programs.

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“We’ve been going out doing outreaches and shift clinics, doing screening as well. I know most of the cases; when we get to know they have it, it’s when they come in in very severe cases.”

Dr. Niulevu emphasizes the importance of regular health check-ups to prevent severe health issues.

Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Tomasi Tunabuna, believes that enhancing local agriculture could be a key solution to the health problems in Moala.

“Vegetable farming addresses both food security in terms of providing nutritious food and offers a way to substitute imported food that is typically available from supermarkets and shops.”

By promoting the cultivation of local vegetables, the community can access fresh, nutritious food, potentially reducing the incidence of NCDs linked to unhealthy diet.