
Nawaikula credits RFMF

August 19, 2024 12:05 pm

Former Member of Parliament Niko Nawaikula

Former Member of Parliament Niko Nawaikula has credited the Republic of Fiji Military Forces for accepting the intention to review the 2013 Constitution and the setting up of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Speaking on FBC TV Program “Your Voice” Nawaikula says the fear of military intervention has always been worrying but now there seems to be progress.

Nawaikula says there is a good sign of change by the RFMF as they have not challenged the stance taken by the government on these two important topics.

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“They are choosing to be professional and that’s a credit to the person who is leading the RFMF. Before I came I went around, I went around to ask why the constitution is being delayed, I went to SODELPA and others and it all pointed out to the barrack, because they were afraid of them, so now that we have the confidence, we can stand up, we can invite people to come here. So the whole reason why we are moving forward is because the military has chosen to be professional.”

Nawaikula says the way the RFMF is portraying itself is the way democracy should be.

He says had the RFMF opposed such move it would have been a slap on the face.

Nawaikula has thanked RFMF Commander Ro Jone Kalouniwai for his leadership.