
Navuniyasa not spared from climate change

June 20, 2024 4:34 pm

Residents of Navuniyasa in Bua are not backing down in the fight against climate change and sea level rise.

Resident Mesake Raikoro says that over the past 38 years, his community, which is located near the Nabouwalu Jetty, has witnessed drastic changes.

Raikoro says they lose about a meter of soil every three years, leading to a new inland water level mark.

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Consequently, the community has constructed a soil-retaining wall to mitigate the impact of erosion.

“We know that what we have done is not a long-term solution because Mother Nature will somehow take back what she owns, so we have plans for a seawall because right now when there is high tide, the sea water still flows into the compound, and the fear remains that everything could be gone with the tide.”

Residents are also planning to build a seawall and plant more mangroves on the beachfront.

There are a total of five households in the community that rely entirely on the sea for their daily livelihood, while also grappling with the impact of sea level rise on their homes.