
Nasinu Town Council takes tough stance on illegal dumping

August 29, 2024 4:43 pm

The Nasinu Town Council has announced a zero-tolerance policy towards illegal dumping within the municipality.

Nasinu Town Council Executive Chair, Felix Magnus says the council is implementing stricter enforcement measures to combat the harmful practice of illegal dumping as this has been a persistent problem.

Magnus says the council will be increasing patrols, installing surveillance cameras in known dumping hotspots, and issuing on-the-spot fines to offenders.

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He adds that commercial entities that fail to comply with proper waste disposal regulations will face severe penalties.

Magnus stresses that illegal dumping not only tarnishes the beauty of Nasinu but also poses significant health and environmental risks.

He says they are also investing in infrastructure to address solid waste management.

“We’ve recently purchased a new compactor together with an open truck and we’re in the process of purchasing a backhoe to assist in the green and white goods. So yes our team are doing well and we have been getting positive responses from the general public in terms of how we are handling the solid waste.”

Magnus says while existing legislation such as the Environment Management Act 2005 and the Litter Decree 1991 provides a framework for addressing illegal dumping, the Council believes that more stringent measures are necessary, particularly against businesses that contribute significantly to the problem.

The Council is also planning to engage with community leaders, schools, and local organizations to promote responsible waste management practices and foster a culture of environmental stewardship.

Regular community clean-up events will be organized, and the Council will provide support to neighborhoods who wish to take an active role in maintaining cleanliness.