
Nasinu festival returns after five year hiatus

August 17, 2024 7:10 am

[File Photo]

The Vodafone and Gavya Nasinu Festival is returning after a lapse of five years, with seven queen contestants tasked with raising awareness about issues in the municipality.

Festival Committee Chairperson Salesh Kumar says that this year, the seven contestants will represent the seven wards within Nasinu.

Kumar adds that the focus this year is on the community and giving back to those who have contributed to Nasinu’s growth.

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“The seven contestants will be doing community projects looking at some of the community issues such as drug and substance abuse and looking at the environment, looking at families and culture”

During the weeklong event, contestants will advocate for issues that are impacting society with a focus on uniting the Nasinu community.

Nasinu wants to recognize the contribution of the elderly citizens in the municipality.

The Vodafone and Gavya Nasinu Festival will begin this morning at the Valelevu Ground.