
Nabavatu Project on track

August 12, 2024 12:25 pm

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Minister for Rural and Maritime Development, Sakiasi Ditoka says the Nabavatu Village Relocation Project is on track according to plan.

The village was critically affected by a geo-hazard event in 2021 following Tropical Cyclone Ana, and earlier this year, the Cabinet approved the relocation of the Village to land in Nadoiviri.

Since then, residents have been living in tents while awaiting the relocation of their homes.

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Ditoka reassures the residents that their concerns are being addressed and that the government is doing everything possible to minimize further delays.

“At the moment, it’s just Nabavatu that we’re working on. That’s the one that we inherited when we came on. They were the ones living in tents.”

Ditoka adds they will continue to prioritize the safety and resilience of its most vulnerable populations.