[Source: SBI]
The Education Ministry is currently focusing on enhancing digital literacy and striving towards equipping students with essential skills for the future while minimizing educational disruptions.
In doing so, Minister Aseri Radrodro reveals that they are working on developing an audio-visual studio for educational purposes.
He adds that a total of $100,000 has been allocated to complete this project.
Radrodro says the studio will include six recording rooms for school broadcasting programs, the production of educational contents, the airing of educational and recorded lessons, live lessons, and distance learning for rural and maritime schools.
“The government is working to improve the learning management system which is currently in place and available through the government’s ICT services, and this will support the existing digital learning platforms being used in early childhood up to the year 13 level for all schools in Fiji so that they can become more interactive.”
Radrodro adds that they have engaged a number of platforms to boost e-learning, such as the “I am Digital” initiative that educates students on online safety and the Girls in ICT Training Project that began this year in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications.