
MoH decentralizes minor works

September 13, 2024 12:52 pm

The Ministry of Health has decentralized minor works in divisional hospitals, especially for infrastructure-related issues.

Permanent Secretary for Health Dr Jemesa Tudravu says that in the past, for any minor works, the divisions had to ask the head office to release funds, which was time-consuming.

He says they tried decentralizing the funds in the last financial year, and it was effective.

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Responding to questions from the Public Accounts Committee, Dr Tudravu says that when managers on the ground have immediate access to funds, they are able to act on or use the money to upgrade the infrastructure immediately at the hospitals.

“And so this year, we’ve again requested the Ministry of Finance, and they’ve agreed for us to decentralise the funds, and that’s been very, very useful. And the feedback from our core centres have been very positive.”

Dr Tudravu adds that they appointed six technical officers at the divisions in the last financial year, and their role is to specifically assist the teams on the ground in assessing infrastructure.

“So if there’s any infrastructural issues, they are the person who go out and do the assessment, and the necessary engagement with the technical people on the ground, and be able to advise us on what are the scope of work that’s required.”

Dr. Tudravu further highlights that two senior technical officers are based at the Ministry’s Asset Management Unit, and four technical officers are based in the four divisions.