
MoE launches new website

July 23, 2024 5:54 am

[Source: MoE/ Facebook]

The Ministry of Education has launched its new website.

The website was unveiled during the opening of the 2024/25 Pre-Budget Implementation workshop.

Education Minister Aseri Radrodro stated that the previous MoE website had fulfilled its purpose and he emphasized the need for a fresh start and renewal.

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Radrodro highlights that the old website ran on outdated versions of ICT software and was vulnerable to viruses.

Education Minister Aseri Radrodro [Source: MoE/ Facebook]

He adds that the accessibility of the old website was slow, particularly affecting schools located outside urban areas.

The Education Minister emphasizes that the new website will feature enhancements such as event management and a user-friendly layout with highlighted text for easy reading.

The education sector has been allocated a total of $784.1 million for the new fiscal year, with $627.6 million designated for the Ministry of Education.

Radrodro stresses that the workshop should serve as a platform for all MoE staff and its statutory organizations to fully grasp their budget allocations and align their activities accordingly.

He reminded senior officials that their teams must be prepared to commence all outlined activities from August 1st as per their respective business plans.

The Minister challenged officials to strategize on achieving progress rates from 90 percent to 100 percent.