
Ministry takes action on labour challenges in Australia

November 10, 2023 12:34 pm

[Source: TWT]

The Employment Ministry is in the process of addressing the issues raised against employers under the Pacific Labour Mobility Scheme in Australia.

Minister Agni Deo Singh, during his recent Australian tour, met with trade unions in Australia who are now working towards eradicating all the challenges that the workers are faced with in terms of unfair treatment.

Singh says they are utilizing a multi-pronged approach to address the overdue issues.

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According to the Employment Minister, they have warned several employers who shortchange Fijian workers in several ways.

“We have already dealt with some employers, and we have cautioned them that if we receive complaints again, we will remove our workers from those workplaces and place them elsewhere.”

Singh adds that the country liaison officer is working on addressing all the pending issues.

He adds that he also met with the Australian Employment Minister, Tony Burke, who has assured him that his compliance teams will be ensuring that any malpractices are dealt with.