
Ministry of Employment gears up for MOU overhaul

February 1, 2024 12:21 pm

Minister Agni Deo Singh

The Ministry of Employment is considering a comprehensive review of its Memorandum of Understanding with the Australian Government.

Minister Agni Deo Singh says the MOU review comes amid concerns surrounding the PALM scheme and other relevant issues.

“As I speak, we are working on the MOU. It is in its draft form, and the other stakeholder groups will be consulted on this one. We know our PM has signed the VUVALE agreement, which is the overarching document that includes the PALM scheme, among other issues.”

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With an eye on stability and clarity within the PALM scheme, Singh says the Ministry wants to ensure that the revised MOU is signed with Australian authorities and carefully adhered to by employers.

Singh says a cautious stance is taken towards recruitment agencies handling the placement of Fijian workers, with concerns raised about certain agencies assuming payment responsibilities on behalf of employers.

He adds that the Ministry’s commitment lies in rectifying past grievances and establishing a robust framework for the sustainable and just operation of the PALM scheme.