CWM Hospital Dentist Dr Nushrat Nisha [left]
The Health Ministry has noted an increase in oral cancer cases, with two to three cases diagnosed per month, compared to one case per month in previous years.
CWM Hospital Dentist Dr Nushrat Nisha is advising Fijians to maintain their oral hygiene and opt for a healthy lifestyle.
The risk factors for oral cancer include excessive use of alcohol and tobacco.
Dr Nisha adds that, according to MoH statistics, oral cancer commonly occurs in people between the ages of 35 and 60.
“It’s so concerning that people don’t know all this. And our team tries to raise awareness, but we can’t do as much. It’s the patients who need to come to us to get a checkup done.”
CWM Hospital Dentist Dr Nushrat Nisha
Dr Nisha says people need to visit their dentists regularly.
“The obvious one is that you will have a deformed face. So going out and socializing with people just impacts your general health, your physical health, your mental health, everything emotional.”
The Health Ministry is also urging people to have dental checkups done for early detection, as late presentation has been a growing concern.