
Ministry launches partnership with German government

July 4, 2023 5:55 am

German Special Envoy for the Pacific Island States Ambassador Beate Grzeski (left), Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection Lynda Tabuya.

The Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection Lynda Tabuya received a courtesy visit from the German Special Envoy for the Pacific Island States Ambassador Beate Grzeski, yesterday.

Ambassador Grzeski revealed that they will be opening an Embassy in Fiji with a new Ambassador in the hopes of improving relations with Fiji and neighbouring Pacific Island countries.

Tabuya congratulated Ambassador Grzeski and the German Government for considering opening the German Embassy in Suva, which will begin its operations this week.

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Ambassador Grzesky says Germany is committed to supporting the Ministry through women’s economic empowerment and women’s leadership programs.

They also look forward to working closely to advance the interests of women and the most vulnerable in Fiji.

The Ministry of Women, Children, and Social Protection looks forward to working closely with the German Government in the hopes of forging closer ties that will help us explore new opportunities for the benefit of both countries.