
Ministry launches digitalization of Girmitiya archives

September 30, 2024 4:55 am

The preservation of Girmit heritage is facing challenges as the historical documentation of the indentured labor system remains locked in outdated, manual filing systems.

These records, which chronicle the lives and experiences of the Indo-Fijians, are integral to the nation’s historical narrative, yet they remain largely inaccessible to the public.

To address this issue, the Ministry of Multi-Ethnic Affairs has initiated a project to digitize Girmit records, aiming to make these vital documents available to researchers, historians, and the public.

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The Ministry’s digitalization effort is a critical step in safeguarding these documents for future generations, ensuring that the legacy of the Girmitiyas is preserved and accessible.

Currently, the records comprised of immigration passes, ship records, plantation details, and repatriation documents exist entirely in handwritten form, making the task of converting them into digital files complex and time-consuming.

Despite these challenges, the Ministry remains committed to completing the project, which will make Fiji the only country among the 19 Girmitiya countries to provide online access to such records.

This move aligns with Fiji’s broader National Development Goals, which prioritize the preservation of culture, heritage, and traditional knowledge.

Minister for Multi-Ethnic Affairs and Sugar Charan Jeath Singh has emphasized the importance of using modern technology to honor Fiji’s historical ties.

He pointed out that once digitized, these records will be handed over to the National Archives of Fiji for long-term preservation and public accessibility.

The initiative is focused on creating a unified digital database that will protect these documents from deterioration while also making them readily accessible.

This will allow Fijians and others around the world to explore the history of the Girmitiyas in a way that was previously difficult due to the manual nature of the records.