
Ministry explores cost-effective sugar mill option

August 11, 2024 12:54 pm

Penang Mill, Rakiraki

Minister for Sugar Charan Jeath Singh revealed the possibility of purchasing a second hand mill for Rakiraki.

Singh says establishing a new mill will be an expensive exercise.

The Minister says the Ministry is not keen on moving away from the Penang Sugar Mill just yet.

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He adds that discussion is underway with potential suppliers for the purchase of a second hand factory.

“If we do bring in that particular mill it will cost us around about 125 million dollars to set it up, bring it in, set up and do all the civil works. But if you have to get a brand new mill it will cost us about 250 million.”

Meanwhile, Singh also says that consultants from the Food and Agriculture Organization are conducting a review of Fiji’s sugar sector.

He adds that a report will be provided to the Ministry by next month which will provide a clear understanding of the industry.