
Ministry cracks down on inferior food imports

October 1, 2024 5:45 am

The Trade Ministry is working on safeguarding Fiji against the influx of inferior food products.

Permanent Secretary for Trade Shaheen Ali pointed out that they are receiving reports of substandard food items entering the market.

Ali says the government is actively addressing the issue through the National Food Task Force, which adopts a whole-of-government approach.

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The Trade Ministry emphasizes its efforts to prevent Fiji from becoming a dumping ground for low-quality or unsafe products.

“We keep up with global best practices, also be wary of inferior products coming in, and you know, Fiji does not become a repository for inferior or dumb products as well.”

Ali also highlights that protecting consumer safety is paramount.

The Trade Ministry has also reiterated the need for strengthening lab capacities to enable proper testing and identification of hazardous products.