
Minister to ensure digital transformation of SMEs

June 14, 2024 6:13 am

[Source: IMDBS]

The Ministry of Trade is working on creating a database for all the Small and Medium Enterprises in the country that will enable them to monitor businesses.

Minister for Trade, Manoa Kamikamica, says that by doing so, they are trying to help businesses digitalize.

“A lot of SMEs are now moving towards M-PAiSA, which is a form of digital payment. It’s making things easier.”

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[Minister for Trade, Manoa Kamikamica]

Kamikamica adds that the government has established a digital e-commerce strategy for the country that will ensure the expansion of SMEs.

“And it really centers around trying to help SMEs as well, making it easier for them to do business wherever they want to do business, whether it’s in Fiji or offshore. It’s very important in terms of trying to help SMEs grow.”

SMEs can benefit from digital transformation, which will enable them to increase their productivity.